Este es el ritual muy sensual de Jennifer López antes de cada show


A través de su cuenta de Instagram, el novio de la artista Alex Rodríguez, mostró el sensual baile que suele hacer López antes de cada show. 

En el video que ya cuenta con más de un millón de reproducciones, el exbasquetbolista mostró los sexis movimientos de su pareja frente al espejo, junto con una leyenda que decía “ella siempre hace esto antes de cada show, en serio”. 

Sin duda los seguidores de la actriz y cantante, admiraron su gran estilo y elegancia a sus 42 años, el cual es evidencia en su cuenta de Instagram donde muestra sus atractivas curvas y gran cuerpazo.

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She does this before every show. Seriously. #pregameroutine #AllIHave

Una publicación compartida de Alex Rodriguez (@arod) el

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2?? days till #vmas…this was the first video and single off my album “This Is Me…Then”. It was probably my most personal album ever…and honestly my favorite album I’ve done so far…I just loved the sound of it and the sentiments…At that time I truly realized that being an artist meant you have to be vulnerable and bare your heart and soul…it takes courage to do that…to really show who you are at any given moment in time…and this was me then… completely. And one of the things that was important for me to remind everyone of in that moment was who I am and who I will always be…don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got I’m still I’m still…JENNY FROM THE BLOCK. #nomatterwhereIgoIknowwhereIcamefrom #VMAs #videovanguard #thisismenow #humbledandgrateful

Una publicación compartida de Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) el

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I know you guys have seen me living in my @Niyamasol leggings, I mean I wear them everywhere…LOL! Let me tell you why I have fallen in love…Niyama means positive habits for a healthy and spiritual way of life, values we can all stand by. Plus they’re an entirely green company! Besides having the best fit out there, ALL of their clothing is made from recycled plastic!! ?? SUPER COOL NEWS ALERT ??: When they heard about my MTV Video Vanguard award, they took my stan-dom to the NEXT level…so I’m so excited to announce TODAY they are dropping a tribute collection inspired by my music and career!! Jennifer Lopez X Niyamasol for YOU! ♥? Every month through 2018 we will release a new design starting with the VANGUARD legging and matching top!! This company’s spirit and mantra touched my heart & soul and I can’t wait to see these on YOU, go to my stories and swipe up to see the entire collection and don’t forget to show me your #Mysolstyle #JLONiyamasol

Una publicación compartida de Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) el

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Island vibezzz… ?? #vacaciones

Una publicación compartida de Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) el

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#SundayFunday kind of… ?? gotta get it in… now let the fun begin!! #birthdayweekbegins @niyamasol

Una publicación compartida de Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) el